Steven Stone is a former reviewer for
Steven has written about audio and audio topics for Stereophile, The Absolute Sound as well as writing about musical instruments in Vintage Guitar magazine.

Contact Steven Stone

Steven Stone’s Reference Audiophile System
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Loudspeakers
Spatial X-2
ELAC AF-61VR Adante
Role Kayak
Audience 1+1 V3
Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus
Mark Audio Sota Cresti MB
JL Audio Fathom 212 Subwoofer
(2), JL Audio E110 Subwoofers
(2) Velodyne DD10+ Subwoofers
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Headphones
ZMF Veritas closed back headphones
Abyss Diana Phi
Sony MDR Z-1R
Dan Clark Audio Aeon II open-back headphones
Sennheiser HD 600 (read the review)
Sennheiser HD 700
Audeze LCD-2
Stax SR-407 with Stax SRM-007t amp (read the review)
Warwick Acoustics M1 system
Empire Zeus CIEM
Earsonics EM10 CIEM
Campfire Audio Equinox CIEM
Etymotic ER-4 XR
Ultimate Ears Capital Records reference in-ear monitors (read the review)
Audio Technica LS400 universal in-ear monitors
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Headphone Amplifiers
Audeze Deckard
Dragon IHA-1 by Dennis Had
Schiit Magni3+
Audi Bravo tube amp
Benchmark HPA-4
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Digital Components
Mytek Manhattan II
PS Audio DSD Jr.
Topping D70
Khadas Tone Board
IFI Zen DAC signature (read the review)
Grace Design m900 DAC (read the review)
Pro-Ject S2 Pre
Oppo Digital HA-1
Schiit Modius
Topping E30
Gustard X-16
Sony PCM F-1
Sony PCM-701
Technics DAT recorder
Korg MR-1000
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Analog/Vinyl Sources
VPI TNT III with Graham 1.5 tonearm and ClearAudio Victory cartridge
VPI HW-19 with Souther arm and Denon 103/VanDenHul cartridge
Mike Yee PH-1
Vincent PHO-500
Revox A-77 Mark IV
Pioneer CT-93 Cassette deck
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Power Amplifiers + Preamps
Pass Labs 150.8
Pass Labs 150.3
Benchmark Labs ABH-2
Clones Audio 25P
April Music S-1 monoblocks
PS Audio Sprout 100 (read the review)
Benchmark HPA4 balanced Preamplifier
Tortuga Audio V25 preamplifier
Schiit Magnius
Bryston PowerPak 120 (5)
Morrison E.L.A.D. preamplifier
Loxjie A-10 TI chip amp
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Cables
WireWorld Series 8
Kimber KCAG
Audience AU24 SE
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Power Conditioners and Regenerators
PS Audio Power Plant 12
PS Audio Dectet
Quintet, Quartet
iFi power devices
Entec and Noise-sniffer AC noise test devices
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Racks and Stands
Arcici lead balloon equipment rack
VPI turntable stands for TNT and HW-19
Sound Anchor rack
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Acoustical Treatments
RoomTunes absorber panels
Acoustic Sciences (ASC) Tube Traps
GIK acoustics panels, ¼ inch industrial felt pad on the desktop, custom ceiling clouds and corner bass traps
Steven Stone’s Audiophile Accessories and Services
Raspberry Pi4B
Steven Simon
Curious about your current near field setup. It would be great to hear your thoughts about it.
Steven Stone
You can read them here –