Latest Audiophile Equipment Review

The Boulder 812 DAC/Preamps is a major price breakthrough for the uber-high-end audio company.

Boulder 812 DAC/Preamp Reviewed

Reading Time: 11 minutes When I think of badass audiophile power amps, there are a few brands that pop into my head, but at the front of the list is Boulder. Before the CEDIA trade show (mostly for AV custom installers) this past fall in Denver, I made a trip to see PS Audio, YG Acoustics and Boulder, which Read More »


PS Audio AirLens in silver

PS Audio AirLens Streamer Reviewed

Reading Time: 11 minutes The PS Audio AirLens retails for $1,999 and is a single-component audiophile streamer often referred to as a “network transport.” This is not to be mistaken for a streaming DAC, which is alternatively known as a “network player” that includes an internal DAC (digital to analog converter). The PS Audio AirLens, or any network transport, for Read More »

The Pass Labs XP-27 is not designed by Nelson but by his partner, Wayne Colburn.

Pass Labs XP-27 Phonostage Reviewed

Reading Time: 11 minutes Pass Labs has long been known for innovation, build quality, performance and perhaps, to many audiophiles, value. When I reviewed the highly capable Pass Labs XP-17 Phonostage (read the review), I quickly became convinced, enamored even, of the performance and workmanship of this component. And while for some, possibly many, a $4,500 phonostage may sound very expensive, others Read More »

The Memory Player is one of the most sophisticated, tech-forward ways to listen to digital music be it streaming or from a silver disc.

Laufer Teknik Memory Player 64 Reviewed

Reading Time: 10 minutes Sometime in the late 1990s, audio designer, scientist and quantum physicist Mark Porzilli started thinking about digital music and why he felt it sounded so artificial, with hardly any tangible association to natural-sounding music. In fact, this line of thought occurred about the same time as the rise in popularity of computer-based storage and playback of digital Read More »


These big Estelon speakers are not something that you can easily hear in every city in America.

Should You Travel to Attend an Audiophile Show?

Reading Time: 10 minutes Each month in 2024, it seems like I have been to another audiophile show. The Tampa show was in February. Dallas was in March. AXPONA was in early April, and soon, I will park my wide-load in a seat and travel 13.5 hours to Munich for what is considered the world’s best audiophile show. Don’t Read More »


SVS Line level adaptor

SVS Launches New SoundPath Speaker Level Subwoofer Adapter

Reading Time: 4 minutes SVS, a leading manufacturer of high-performance speakers, subwoofers, and wireless audio products, proudly announces the addition of the SVS SoundPath Speaker Level Subwoofer Adapter to its growing line of AV accessory solutions.  Many integrated amplifiers and legacy stereo receivers lack line-level outputs, leaving audio enthusiasts without the ability to connect a powered subwoofer to their system. The Read More »

Getting your hearing checked every year or two is a great idea for concerned audiophiles looking to protect all of their hearing today and for the future.

Could Audiophile Hearing Aids be the Next Big Thing in the Audiophile Hobby?

Reading Time: 7 minutes I’ve discussed the importance of hearing health and hearing loss prevention in previous articles, and my genuine hope is that at least a few readers were inspired enough to take my recommended preventative measures to heart. Who knows, maybe a handful of elder millennial audiophiles are now on the path to long-term hearing health and preservation. I hope so, Read More »

The BlueSound Node is a game-changing audiophile component that is just getting better and better.

BlueSound To Add Dirac Room Correct To Both New and Some Legacy Products But No Models Listed Yet

Reading Time: 2 minutes Swedish room correction and digital audio company, Dirac and Bluesound Node (read the review), makers of high fidelity multi-room streaming devices, just announced a collaboration to integrate Dirac’s award-winning Dirac Live Room Correction solution into select Bluesound device like the BlueSound Power Node Edge.  According to Fredric Tapper, Dirac’s VP of Home & Pro Audio, Read More »

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