On October 11, 2022, Audio Research executive and audio industry friend, Brandon Lauer was badly injured in a motorcycle accident in Minnesota. He is alive but is in very serious condition. His recovery is realistically expected to take months if not years. Thankfully, Brandon was wearing leathers, gloves and of course a helmet. Doctors suggest that these precautionary measure might have saved his life in such a traumatic accident.

“This isn’t the first horrific motorcycle accident that has impacted the audiophile community” say Jerry Del Colliano, publisher of FutureAudiophile.com. “We understand that Brandon has sustained serious injuries but we are hoping that with the help of his medical team and the support of his husband, Nicholas Perkins, that he makes a speedy recovery.”
A GoFundMe.com campaign has been started to help with medical costs, costs of living expenses, future transportation and more. Click here to see read more about the accident from Nicholas Perkins who goes into far more detail about the accident on that site. If possible, please make a donation.
You can keep track of Brandon’s recovery on Caring Bridge which is being updated periodically.